Friday, December 08, 2006

I have items I would like to share today.
The first is an email I received this morning:
Dear blog author:
We recently came across your site,, while searching for fellow christian bloggers.
A small group of us have started a new site called Christian Bloggers. Our prayer and intent is to bring Christians closer together, and make a positive contribution to the Internet community. While many of us have different "theologies", we all share one true saviour.
Would you be interested in joining Christian Bloggers? Please take a few minutes to have a look at what we are trying to do, and if you are interested, there is a sign up page to get the ball rolling. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavour.
May God Bless you and your blogging efforts. We look forward to hearing from you.
Craig Cantin (Christian Bloggers)
-I wonder if the christian bloggers would be interested in my views on stem cell research.....
The other peice of news I would like to share is the publishing of my final column which can be read here.
It was an interesting experience. I must say, I was only very lightly edited at the DP. I feel fortunate for having the experience and I'm really grateful that I was working with the opinion editor, who is an intelligent, humble person rather than some of the other editors at the DP who are rather self-important.
Thanks Evan-