Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A bit of earth

I have some very exciting news.
About ten days ago I planted seeds and this morning, something finally grew!
I planted basil, oregano and cilantro all in one pot (I planted different seeds in different sections) and I have been putting my pot by the window and lifting the shades for it every morning. After a week I wondered if it was just too cold so I started moving my pot to a warmer spot when the sun went down. Its a lot of work, actually. In any case, this morning I saw my first evidence of plant growth and I will record it and post pictures in the next few days. I tried to google image a picture of basil to post here but lets be honest, basil looks a bit like weed. Besides, these asparagus people are priceless.
The next step will be to identify which spice grew. I used a long skinny pot and planted the oregano in the middle. The budding plant is definitely on one end which means it is either basil or cilantro. I'm hoping for basil but I'll take whatever grows.
In the meantime, lets all wonder why anyone would hate cilantro so much?