Thursday, January 24, 2008
Working girls

What are scientific women supposed to wear to work, interviews, conferences?
I went to a lunch discussion today on this very topic and I have to say, I heard some pretty ridiculous comments. Some of these women scientists have spent too much time in the minority. They think they are gods gift to nerdy lab men, perhaps?
I think the answer is sort of obvious. Look nice. Not too nice (no crazy jewelry). Wear something from a store that sells regular clothing (Banana Republic) and not from a store known for lingerie (V.S). I can't honestly see myself spending too much time wondering what to wear when it comes time for me to interview. We all wear black pantsuits. One time I wore pink shoes to a conference (it was a very casual conference and I was not presenting) and now everytime I speak in front of an audience my advisor tells me not to wear them. I threw them away years ago (my husband hated those shoes).
I digress. The one item from today's discussion that got me thinking was not about what you wear to interviews, but what to wear to work. I see so many female scientists with bad fashion sense (I will not name names). I have always figured that the smarts came with a little fashion ineptitude, but now I am starting to wonder if it is deliberate. Perhaps these women have decided it is better to be nondescript. It does seem as though looking too nice or too sexual may cause you to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. The thing is, I think this is true in almost all fields; medicine, law, education. Name a career where it is ok to dress like Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde?